Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tom - This Makes Sense.... Sadly

Drive of Black Altima/Maxima whose Plate # is 655 YZP YOUR the kind of aggressive driver thats dangerous to society. YOU were zip zagging through traffic in Cool Spring (Franklin) and are a danger to society.  Based on "what" I've been through in the Tennessee courts you should have to do 3-5 years.  To the white Rogue that keeps driving by my child's home.... STOP. I do NOT trust the police in Tennessee (obviously they're corrupt- Randy Elrod told me that) and whenever I feel threatened I will put tag #'s on this BLOG. It' time NISSAN treated Sharyn Bovat with RESPECT.

This is my cat Miranda... named after my "rights

NOW don't you think I'd "rather" spend quality time with my cat rather than "ranting" about NISSAN fraud.  The fact is NISSAN is run by unethical people that have TERRORIZED me and until I find out I'm OK I'm emailing the United Nations & Diplomats (Portugal too) I'm tired of fighting for humanity BUT humanity has not happened. 

Back to ranting about Carlos Ghosn & Global corruption connected to Sarkozy-Ghosn will KNOW about Karachi affair

There's a Euro Elitist "Clique" Connected to Sarkozy & Blair that work with Ex CIA that are into weapons deals and linked to 80's era drug trafficking. They're connected to Carlos Ghosn and Lebanon and the Lockerbie Bombing.  Evidently They "used" Al Gore for his "green credentials".... Too much money was milked and  NOW is in off shore accounts.  Someone stand up for America.... 

Is someone investigating?  

Daniel Glaser How is the SDN list coming?
Below is from a "recent" email I received.....

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tom Fitton - MORE to FOIA.... Thank You

Begin forwarded message:

"I think Al Gore is a Genius & Invented the Internet so the Lockerbie Truth Could be Told"  Sharyn Bovat 

New Blog to Expose "Possible" Conflict of Interest Between Calibe a DOD Contractor founded in 1989 (same year cover up started) and Gannett (the mainstream media that IGNORES the Lockerbie truth).

This blog is going to be a "Tale of Two CEO's"
Is the power dual Joseph and Gracia Martore just in bed with each other OR are they sleeping with IRAN?   
Mr. Martore is a DOD "vendor" that takes pride in offering advice to "top level dod executives" The CEO of Calibre Joseph Martore must have known that a foreign company (NISSAN - a company that is on the IRAN watch list for dealing with a terrorist nation) NISSAN got over 1 Billion US tax dollars to build a car with outdated technology & used a taxpayer IDB bond as collateral. Funded by the Federal Financing Bank (the Treasury bank that seem to accept a LOT of bad loans that regular financial institutions won't risk taking) The CEO of Gannett who knew of NISSAN fraud "let" a whistleblower be bullied for a LONG time and the CEO of the paper that own of the USA today NEVER reported it and odds are she told her husband who proved intelligence to the US government.  Wow!!!  This could be the breakthrough needed to EXPOSE the TRUTH.

It's time the Lockerbie Families got RESPECT!!!

Sharyn Bovat

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tom Fitton - MORE to FOIA... This is BIG

*****UPDATE-  Insiders says stock price issue minimal  but refused to comment on CONFLICT of INTEREST.****

It seems like most stocks went from the 2009 low only "doubled"  Gannett almost quadruples ?

I Got a Tip I'm Sending to the SEC Gannett's CEO Gracia Martore's Calibre Conflict of Interest (Her Husband is the CEO of TOP DOD Contractor & "Most Likely" Benefited from NISSAN Story Being Squashed) Might Expose NISSAN Fraud.  The Leaf Was Built With Outdated Technology * NISSAN Does Business with IRAN.  Why are Tax Dollars Wasted?

  Gannett Stock Soared During 1st Obama low as about $6 a share to over $22.  SEC investigation needs to happen.  Obviously Gannett is NOT reporting stories to protect the Obama Administration and maybe they got rewarded?

  1. Bob Dickey Gannett
    Bob Dickey, My life has been hell and Gannett does NOT report the news. I hear your the CIA's pit bull. Is that true? I've been terrorized for over 3 years.


"We moved beyond aggressive journalism" said by Mark Silverman while accepting his Ben Bradlee Award

Fun Fact:  Dana Bash and Andrea Mitchell BOTH received awards too.

this was "who's who" of mainstream media.  

So to the point Mark Silverman, The Tennessean, accepts the Benjamin Bradlee Editor of the Year Award at the 28th Annual National Press Foundation Awards Dinner on March 1, 2011 in Washington, DC. Look at the dates of my text messages.....

Bovat's Battle
  1. A text conversation between NISSAN Whistleblower Sharyn Bovat & Mark Silverman the editor of the Gannett owned Tennessean, he's a Ben Bradlee award ...
He thanked his wife for letting him spend "countless" hours playing newspaper  that was when he was accepting his award in front of 1000 mainstream media journalist. I had NOT seen his wedding ring until I watch him get the award on CSPAN.

The date he got the prestigius Ben Bradlee award was on March 1st 2011.

"' People have been nice to me I hope that Tucker (Carlson of the Daily Caller) is treated as nicely at a liberal meeting like the American Society of Newspaper editors..."  Paul Begalia of the Clinton Administration at CPAC event called Fight Club. 

The mainstream media KNEW about Dept. of Energy fraud and remained silent.

                         The NISSAN Fraud has been covered up by the mainstream media

Mainstream Media Bias is REAL!!!