Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turn On Fox News RIGHT NOW & Watch Sean Hannity Destroy His Credibility .... Someone Tell Karl to Tell Roger...It's Time to Cut Bait...

   This is WHO Needs to be in Prime Time...

 "We believe he's an environmentalist at heart. He's gone to the dark side."  Quote from a Wall Street Journal article ....It's from a Tea Party Activist from Murfreesboro Tennessee 

I think it's a little "weird" most people do NOT think environmentalism is the "dark side" it shows you how "out of touch" people in Tennessee are.  They're  48th in education.

That said: The people connected to the Tea Party movement in Tennessee have terrorized me.  They have slandered me. 

Recently I got an audio tape that connects the Tea Party activist in Tennessee to PJ Media.  They knew like Anita Moncrief (connected to Sal Russo) about major fraud, discrimination, & a foreign company (NISSAN) getting taxpayer money that does business with IRAN.

The people at PJ Media are connected to many associated with Breitbart's people & they are connected to cronyism and corruption. 

It's  MORE than a little hypocritical.

Oddly they (Sean Hannity, Judicial Watch, and their allies) loudly "rant" about corruption on the Sean Hannity show. FYI- Hannity is Oliver North's biggest pitchman.

I really don't get it.  I've always been "respectful" to Mr. North.  Even when I did NOT like what he was doing... 

But that was in the 80's & early 90's. 

Some are connected to Judicial Watch.

If Sean Hannity keeps pimping for Tom Fitton's group like he's doing this Thanksgiving he'll be able to join his friend Glenn on Beck TV...   Roger is looking to "upgrade" Megyn.  Maybe they guy with the "comb over" will share the 9pm spot?

The Tea Partiers in Tennessee are connected to war mongers and idiots disguised as patriots.

Not all are connected to ex CIA that profited from drug and arms deals.... that "scum" needs to be exposed.  Huh.....Maybe Eric Holder's guy will finally "listen" to me.  

Good Ole Boys Connected to Ken Marrero, Steve Gill & the Nashville Tea Party the information is on the way to the feds. I don't know HOW closely your connected.... Maybe we'll find out?   

I do know your connected to people that have LIED about 501c3 status & that is against the law.  I had death threats.  One of them them guy used his email address that was "traceable".... i hope finally the Franklin Police "does their job".... It's time for the law inforcement in Tennessee to care about American's and NOT Iranian sympathizers.  People that work at NISSAN support the Iranian regime and I think that's morally wrong.

Iran is a nation that harbors hate against America and our country should NOT economically support Iran UNTIL they act like humanitarians.  That's a word like environmentalist and it's not a bad word.  

My child has suffered and I'm NOT letting this go until RESPECT happens- that means Steve Gill get your "crony" Good Ole Boy elite to tell NISSAN to mediate with the whistleblower.   How MUCH do y'all want exposed.  

Maybe I should call Mara Thompson. I used to be in her women's club.  Her father in law FRED THOMPSON will know that NISSAN is connected to people involved with Iran Contra.  Mr. Thompson was on the Senate Intelligence committee.... OOPS.... He let "shit" happen during the Lockerbie "cover up"  Oops he probably  made deals with Al Gore.  

Tennessee is a "twisted" state.  Lamar Alexander is the GLUE that has kept them together.  

Hope Everyone had a GREAT Holiday...


Tea Party Nation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tea Party Nation Corporation is a Conservative American political organization considered part of the tea party movement.[1] Their official website describes them as "group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country!"[2]
The group was created by former Shelby County, Tennessee assistant district attorney Judson Phillips in 2009.[3] It runs a social networking site for conservative activists[4] and is best known for organizing the 2010 National Tea Party Convention.
It is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and is the only Tea Party-affiliated group to be noted as such.[5]

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