Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tom Fitton: Why Did Judicial Watch Ignore the Whistleblower? I Talked to One of YOUR Guys at CPAC. Anita Moncrief KNEW About MAJOR Fraud and Ignored it Because Sal Russo Would NOT Let it Be Exposed. Where's Sal?

19 hours ago
As a curtesy I'm not posting issues that Anita Moncrief emailed me directly about. www.StopRepublicanRetardism.com. Amy, I know Sal Russo's tactics - The guy did help to end communism. So he's NOT all bad sadly he's ...
Nov 10, 2012
Sharyn Bovat pictured with Anita Moncrief at Blog Bash.... Bovat has had multiple death treats and reported one to the FBI- She said on the report a Rick Perry supporter could be responsible. She also said on report that she ...
Sep 03, 2012
Breitbart KNEW about the NISSAN fraud. So did the Other McCain KNOWS this and has NEVER Reported it. Anita Moncrief, Katie Pavlich and LOTS of others too. WHY? It's time for the American Taxpayers to get RESPECT.

CORRUPT People "ranting" about Corruption... It's DISGUSTING!!!

Sir - Too Many People Connected to ex CIA involved with Drug Trafficking and Geo Political Cover Ups Run organizations pumping out right wing extremist propaganda in the  GOP:  Until Ali Akbar Bill Murphy and Robert Stacy McCain & NOW Anita Moncrief are EXPOSED I will FIght for MY Human Rights.  

YOUR Organizations Does NOTHING for People Speaking Out for the Hard Working Taxpayer.  Sean Hannity Has LOST His Credibility for Allowing Anita Moncrief on His Special...

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